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Motocross - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Motocross is a form of off-road motorcycle racing held on enclosed off-road circuits. . The sport evolved from motorcycle trials competitions held in the United Kingdom.[1][2] Motocross is a physically demanding sport held in all-weather conditions.
Martin Racing Performance NIKE had some amazing displays at Exhibit 2014. Their marketing partners showed off this new led box. Howbsoon before the motorcycle industry adapts this new tech? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iSmK4gfT20&feature=youtube_gdata_player
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2010 Kymco Racing 150 Fi - Yahoo!奇摩汽車 Kymco 2010 Racing 150 Fi 擁有37度超深傾角,與強力4V戰斧引擎的RACING125/150車款,在上市之初便以驚人的運動性能引爆討論熱潮,同時更以優異的體質與 ...